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Myofunctional Therapy Services

Using a Computer

Adults and Teens 

Therapy from the comfort of your own home

Orofacial problems will be fully evaluated during the comprehensive evaluation. After baseline measurements and data are collected, an individualized treatment plan will be made depending on the specific issues of the client. The average person usually needs twelve sessions and they will occur once every 2-3 weeks.  Sessions last approximately 40-60 minutes. We will start with muscle retraining exercises and build off of new skills each session. Also included- exercise tool kit, tips for improving sleep, body posture and muscle stretches for the face, jaw and neck.  Some cases are complex and will need more sessions. 

You will be responsible for practicing the exercises at least 2 times a day to see improvement. Let's get to the root of the problem and get started!


Initial 15 minute consultation fee $0

$120 Comprehensive Evaluation (in person)

$100 Per session 

Online Homework

Kids Therapy for 5 and older

Address issues that are causing dysfunctions in your child

Kids are so much fun and so is the therapy program! There are laughs and lots of games with teaching exercises.  This program will give you and your child the tools to help develop a beautiful face and healthy airway. When kids snore it may seem cute but it is a warning sign that something has gone awry.  Addressing problems early is always best and gives your child the best chance possible for lifetime health. We will focus on the four goals of therapy and complete in about ten sessions. Sessions are every two weeks and last 45 minutes depending on the the child.   This program is best for kids aged 5-12. Parents and caregivers must be present for therapy sessions and make sure they practice 2 times a day (making games out of the exercises and having a reward system is highly effective).


Initial 15 minute consultation fee $0

$100 Comprehensive Evaluation (in person)

$100 Per session

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